Thursday, July 13, 2017

Wearable Arts Inquiry: Self-Reflection

All students completed a self-reflection on the Wearable Arts inquiry. 

Self-reflections are a great way to get an honest look at how engaged/interested the children are, in their learning (or particular topics). It also serves to value their ideas and opinions. 

They were asked to reflect (by colouring in the face that best suits them), on the following questions:

  • How happy are you with the mask you designed and made?
  • How happy are you with the cape you designed and made?
  • How did you feel about wearing your costume during our WOW show? 
  • Did you enjoy our Wearable Arts inquiry this term?
...and complete the following:
  • My favourite part of this inquiry was...
  • If I could change one thing about this inquiry it would be... 

The students were then asked to share their reflections with several other classmates. I always enjoy eavesdropping on their conversations:)

Gecko Press and Pizza!

During the last week of Term 2 Harakeke and Pohutukawa enjoyed listening to some wonderful stories, read by the actual authors!!!

...and then ate pizza. Some more than others:)

Dancing the 'pizza dance' outside the pizza truck was a highlight for some.

Our Final Costumes!

They're all so wonderful and different....