Monday, August 29, 2016

Letters to Karaka buddies

Following on from our buddy work with Karaka, we decided to write letters to our buddies showing our thanks and appreciation.  Here are some of the letters we sent:

Dear Charlotte,
Thank you for being my buddy and for helping me to get the ball through the cones.
Love from Jasper

Dear Karaka buddies,
I loved the game that we used our feet to kick to our buddies.
To Tra My I loved playing the games.
Love from Qingwen

Dear Karaka buddies,
I like kicking the ball between the two cones and I like dribbling the ball around the cones.
Love from Max

Dear Karaka buddies,
I hope you will teach us again because we did lots of fun things.  The best thing was doing volleys.
From Leia

Dear Karaka buddies,
I love buddy PE because we didn't do just one thing.
Love from Nellie

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Buddy work with Karaka

On Tuesday afternoon we always learn new skills in Physical Education with Harakeke.

This week however was a little different, we instead worked with Karaka buddies.

In small groups, the Karaka children taught, Harakeke and Pohutukawa children a new game, skill or activity specifically relating to PE.

Loads of activity - cones, balls and fun!

Careful instruction and learning.

Learning from one another.

The Karaka buddies were great role models sharing their knowledge, offering loads of encouragement, trying new things and having fun!  Thanks Karaka, Pohutukawa had a ball.

Back at class we all gave the thumbs up when reflecting.  Can't wait for the next buddy time!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Wellington Museum Trip

This week our Taonga Inquiry led us to a trip to the Wellington Museum (formerly the Museum of City to Sea).  The day started with a ride on an old school bus (a treasure in itself).  A lot of the teachers and parents could remember catching a bus like this when they were little...

Once at the Wellington Museum we explored all the various levels.  We learned that most taonga at the museum was in a special cabinet called a case.  In groups we found animals on each floor, listened to Wellington stories and used our senses - to see, hear and touch the exhibits.  We all had many questions as to why these things in the Wellington Museum were treasures.

In the coming weeks, we too will be sharing our own taonga with the class.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Basic Facts!

In Maths this term, along with fractions we are focusing on learning our basic facts. Some are working with Kate and others are working with Anita.
In Anita's group we are learning basic addition and subtraction equations within the 5 to 10 range. We are recognising patterns and knowing these equations instantly.
Addition examples include:
1+ 4 = 5 and 4 + 1 = 5.
Subtraction examples include:
5 - 5 = 0 and 5 - 4 = 1.

In groups we play "basic facts games" using addition and subtraction.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Taonga Inquiry

The Clyde Quay School Museum visit in Ngaio was a great opportunity to see what the teachers at CQS treasure, their taonga.  We listened to the teacher read the explanation as to what each piece was and why it was special to each person.  There were so many different things to see.

Here's what we remembered seeing...

In pairs, we answered specific questions relating to Helen's taonga. This is what we brainstormed...