Friday, September 23, 2016

Last Day Of Term Three

Nice to end the term with a sing a long Assembly.  Great to hear all the different songs from the various classes at Clyde Quay School.  Thanks for sharing!  We sang an old favourite of ours "Waiti Waita".

Today in class we enjoyed a low key day.  We read "The Rainbow Fish" by Marcus Pfister, which inspired some art and craft.  We glued, glittered, coloured and decorated our very own Rainbow Fish.  We spoke about the story and the importance of sharing, relating the story to our "Bucket Filling" and Waka Huia box.

We hope you shared your artwork with your whanau.  We saw detailed scales, beautiful colours and loads of sparkles.  All and all, creating some fabulous looking fish.

Happy holidays...

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Patterns .x.x.x.x.

In Maths we are now looking at Algebra, specifically patterns.
We are learning to create repeating patterns.  Today Anita's group experimented with blocks...

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Clyde Quay Enviroschool Update!

Well done to the Clyde Quay Green Team!  As of today Clyde Quay is a Bronze Enviroschool...

What does that mean?  

Check out their blog for details:

Very exciting :)

Friday, September 9, 2016

Taonga Display

As we get ready for our special afternoon next week, we are currently working on setting up our Taonga display.

  • First we shared our Taonga at Panui time, speaking about our treasure in small groups as others asked questions.

  • Next we did observational drawings of our Taonga using photographs or the original piece.  We used pencil for the outline then used Indian ink to finish.  We were careful to show details with small detailed strokes.

  • Finally we did our writing to support our Taonga.  Asking questions like: What it is?  Why it's special?  How long we have had it for?

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Buddy Reading

This week for buddy work with Karaka, we all enjoyed reading in the sun.  Many picture books were shared.  Thanks once again...

Buddy reading with Karaka = the thumbs up!